Content Posted in 2016
1953 Catalogue, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Academic Catalog 2007-2009, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2009-2010, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2010-2011, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2011-2012, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2012-2013, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2013-2014, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2014-2015, Luther Seminary
Academic Catalog 2015-2016, Luther Seminary
A Critical Review of Three Books Over Israel and Palestine, Stephanie Olson
Adolescents as CoCreators in Ministry, Derek J. Tronsgard
A Future Horizon For a Prophetic Tradition: A Missional, Hermeneuical, and Pastoral Leadership Approach To Education and Black Church Civic Engagement, David L. Everett
A Future I Trust In: Identity and Vocation As The Parent-Leader, Karen M. Gieseke
A Local Christian Community's Missional Imagination: Accessing, Cultivating, and Assessing Missional Discernment in Civil Society, Johannes Gerhardus Jacobus Swart
Andreas Helland (1870-1951), professor at Augsburg Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota
An Effort to Demythologize Missional Pedagogy in an Attempted Decolonizing of Biblical Studies With a View Toward a Constructive Alternative, Juan Dieter Doyle
Answering The "How" Question Regarding Healing : the Story of the Healing of the Blind Man, Erin M. Diericx
Art as Church, Katy Vitek
A Theological Playground: Christian Summer Camp in Theological Perspective, Jacob Sorenson
Augsburg Seminary diploma from the 1880s, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Augsburg Seminary student body standing in front of Old Main, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bethesda Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
Bockman Hall dedication, 1902, St. Paul, Minnesota
Bockman Hall, Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Bridging the Disconnect: Reframing Vocation for the Sake of Young Adults, the Church, & Its Leaders, Aaron David Fuller
Calvary Lutheran Church Parsonage, Willmar, Minnesota
Calvary Lutheran Church, Willmar, Minnesota
Calvary Lutheran Church, Willmar, Minnesota
Camp Release Lutheran, Granite Falls, Minnesota
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cherubim Song (No. 7), Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
Choir in rehearsal, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Comedy, Humor, and the Gospel of John, Craig R. Koester
Communities of Creativity: The Role of Symbols on Youth Formation, Andrew Locke Kellner
Complexities of Pastoral Change and Transition in the Megachurches of the Baptist General Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Presbyterian Church (USA), Sheila Strobel Smith
Congregations as Systems for Empowering Missional Leadership: a Lutheran Hermeneutic for Leading in Mission, Terri Lynn Martinson Elton
Coram Deo et Coram Mundo: The Two Kinds of Righteousness as a Normative Framework for the Description, Interpretation, and Healing of Shame, Barson Lahivelo Mahafaly
Corporate Worship’s Pedagogy, Cullyn Curtis
Covenant, Particularity, and Inclusion: An Analysis of Isaiah 56:1-8 and Its Implications For Modern Jewish and Christian Communities, Alison Hartke
Crowdfunding for Congregations and Faith-related Non-profits, Adam J. Copeland
Cultivating Biblical Imagination Through Preaching, Edward N. Kay
Cultivating the Holy Callings of Ordinary Saints: The Church at Work for the Life of the World, Jeffrey A. Eisele
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Community and Discipleship, As Emphasized and Applied in the Life and Mission of a Covenant Church, Ronald F. Christian
Dystopia and Individualism, Jacob Scott Anderson
Earth Stewardship and the Missio Dei: Participating in the Care and Redemption of All God Has Made, David M. Carlson
Ecology and Theology in Dialogue : Death and Resurrection From an Ecological and Theological Perspective, Elizabeth McDuffie
Equipping Parents : a Study of Baptism Education in the Twin City Area, Kathleen J. Wolf
Essential Characteristics of Leadership : a Leadership Framework & Study of Ancient and Contemporary Leaders, Brigitte Kathleen Leininger
Exploring the Effectiveness of Field Preaching Evangelism in the United Methodist Church, Paul D. Johnsen
Faculty and student body of Augsburg Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sometime in the 1880s
Faculty Research Practices at Luther Seminary, Trisha Burr and Andrew Keck
Finding God Over 70,000 Fathoms, Stefan Swanson
First building of the United Church Seminary at Franklin and 26th Avenues, Minneapolis, Minnesota
First Lutheran Church, Columbia Heights, Minnesota
First Lutheran Church, Madelia, Minnesota
From Servant to Co-Creator: Towards a Civic Ecclesiology, Marie-Louise Ström
From Victim to Agent of Change: The Call to Co-creation in Job, Marie-Louise Ström
Gerberding Hall, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota
God's Son Has Made Me Free, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
Go To Dark Gethsemane, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
Group photograph taken in front of one of the buildings of Red Wing Seminary, Red Wing, Minnesota
Gullixson Hall, Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Hauge Church, Jackson, Minnesota
Hauge Church, Jackson, Minnesota
Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
HIV/AIDS Stigmatization Among Oromo Immigrant Congregations in the Twin Cities : a Call for Biblical and Theological Response, Fikru Andea Eticha
Holden Lutheran Church, Beardsley, Minnesota
"If Jesus Played Video Games, He Would Be a God!" : a Look at Gaming Culture Through the Eyes of a Christian--and a Look at Christian Culture Through the Eyes of a Gamer, Paul Curtis Adams
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jesus as the Way in the Fourth Gospel, Craig R. Koester
"Jesus' Resurrection, the Signs, and the Dynamics of Faith in the Gospel of John.", Craig R. Koester
Job 31 : the Sermon on the Mount in the Old Testament, Robert Dale Brown
Led to Lead: Vocational Discernment and Emerging Pastoral Leadership in the Reformed Church in America, Tanner Smith
Lift Up Your Hearts: Preaching Grace Effectively as a Pastoral Response to Shame, Harold Kenyon
Little Cedar Lutheran Church, Adams, Minnesota
Little Cedar Lutheran Church, Adams, Minnesota
Little Cedar Lutheran Church, Adams, Minnesota
Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies' Sake, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
Loving the questions: finding food for the future of theological education in the Lexington Seminar, Mary E. Hess
Lutheran pastors, Little Cedar Lutheran Church, Adams, Minnesota
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1983, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1984, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1985, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1986, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1987, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1988, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1989, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1990, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1991, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1992, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1993, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1994, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary
Luther Seminary building, Hamline Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota
Luther Seminary building, Robbinsdale, Minnesota
Luther Seminary Glee Club, St. Paul, Minnesota
Luther Seminary, May 1995, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 1996, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 1997, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 1998, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 1999, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2000, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2001, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2002, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2003, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2004, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2005, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2006, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2007, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2008, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2009, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2010, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2011, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2012, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2013, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2014, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2015, Luther Seminary
Luther Seminary, May 2016, Luther Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1956, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1957, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1958, Luther Theological S
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1959, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1960, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1961, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1962, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1963, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1964, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1965, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1966, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1967, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1968, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1969, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1970, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1971, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1972, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1973, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1974, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1975, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1976, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1977, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1978, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1979, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1980, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1981, Luther Theological Seminary
Luther Theological Seminary Commencement, 1982, Luther Theological Seminary
Martin Buber's “I and Thou”, Pastoral Counseling and Reading Text: A Proposal for an Integrated Approach, David Hawkinson
Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross in the Face of the Challenge of the Neo-Pentecostal Movement and Its Prosperity Gospel Message, Hossana Yohanna
Mending the So-Called Sacred/Secular Divide: Discovering and Strengthening a Shared Space of Dialogue Between the Religious and Non-Religious, Jessi Le Clear Vachta
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Ethel M. Akins
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Alice K. Anderson
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Colena M. Anderson
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Viola Anderson
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Robert Ball
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Kay Haines Beach
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Herman Bly
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Carrie M. Bright
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Heinz Bruhl
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Ernest Caha
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Emery Carlson
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, H Mead Cavert
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Chang Yau-Weh
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Benedictus Chao
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Ivy Chou
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Leita Partridge Christianson
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Daniel Chu
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Douglas Clifford
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Rowland Cross
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Helen Depass Dahlin
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Earl Dahlstrom
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Morris Barnett Depass
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Jack Dodds
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Lillian Landahl
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Edgar Sovik
Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection, Kurt Eric Johnson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Paul Clifford Domke
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Astrid Erling
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Dillard Marion Eubank
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Viola I. Fischer
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Jane Armour Foster
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, John Foster
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Emeline Frank
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Herbert S. Frank
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, H. Daniel Friberg
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Joseph Bertil Friberg
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Anne Edwards Fulton
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Robert Brank Fulton
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Arie Gaalswyk
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Ruth Gilbertson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Clemens M. Granskou
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Ella Odland Granskou
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Anders B. Hanson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Constance Twedt Hanson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Orvis Hanson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Helen Hayes
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Paul G. Hayes
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Catherine Reynolds Hertz
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Erwin Hertz
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Elizabeth Hughes
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Agnes Holstad Hyde
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Anna Moffet Jarvis
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Clara Jones
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Walter Judd
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Thyra Lawson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Beatrice Exner Liu
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Nathan Ma
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Donald Macinnis
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Helen Macinnis
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, David Lee
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Cora Martinson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Frank Miles
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Wibora Muehlenbein
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Lillian Olson Nelson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Russell E. Nelson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Frida Nilsen
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Mildred Nordlund
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Olive Overholt
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, William Overholt
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Truman Penney
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Iola Aalbue Peterson
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Henry Refo
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Muriel Lockwood Refo
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Alma Roisum
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Maud Russell
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Randolph Sailer
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Fredrik Schiotz
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Mabel Wold Sihler
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Margaret Garrett Smythe
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Arna Quello Sovik
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Arne Sovik
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Edgar Sovik
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Edward Sovik
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Gertrude Sovik
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Margaret Stanley
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Borghild Roe Syrdal
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Rolf Syrdal
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Minnie Tack
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Donalda Terhaar
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Chester Tobin
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Frankliln Wallace
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, C. C. Wang
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Katherine Boeye Ward
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Agnes Bartel Wieneke
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Marvin Williams
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Orpha Williams
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Waldo Wold
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Ernst Wolff
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Wu Ming-Chieh
Midwest China Oral History Interviews, Mildred Test Young
Missional Interim Ministry Processes a Case Study, Christopher Edwin Hagen
Mission and Strategy for Self-Sustaining in the Malagasy Lutheran Church (MLC), Denis Rakotozafy
Mystagogical Preaching in the Episcopal Church: Connecting Sermon and Liturgy, Daniel John Justin
Narrative Beings: What Virtual Media Is Revealing About Our Youth, Kyle W. Zvejnieks
Northome Parsonage, Northome, Minnesota
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1957, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1959, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1960, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1961, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1962, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1963, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1964, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1966, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1967, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1968, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1969, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1970, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1972, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1973, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1974, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1975, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1976, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1977, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1978, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1979, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1980, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1981, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1982, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Folden, Minnesota
Offering and Accepting Forgiveness: How the Aged Do It, Kathleen Hughes Brighton
O How Shall I Receive Thee, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
O Jesus, Grant Me Hope and Comfort, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary Choir (Minnesota)
Old Main at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Old Main at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
On Beyond Zebra: Thinking Beyond Traditional Models of Children's Ministry, Amber Espinoza
Opening the Front Door: Designing A Usable Library Web Site, Andrew Keck
Oral History Summaries: A Guide to the Collection, Kurt Eric Johnson
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Minnesota
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Minnesota
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Minnesota
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart, Minnesota
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Panoramic view of Red Wing Seminary campus, Red Wing, Minnesota, 1907
Pastor's Summer Conference at United Church Seminary, 1910, St. Paul, Minnesota
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Ellendale, Minnesota
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Ellendale, Minnesota
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Ellendale, Minnesota
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Ellendale, Minnesota
Preaching Effectively to the Unchurched, Rodney Reed Carlson
Preaching From a Biblical Anthropology: Sources and Methods for Correlating the Gospel and the Human Condition, Paul N. D. Miller
Preaching More Effectively to Multiple Generations, Lynne Kammeraad
Preparing Transformational Sermons: An Attitudinal Model of Sermonic Application, Donald G. Bryant Jr.
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prince of Glory Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Site prior to new building.
Purification by Fire : 2 Peter 3 and the Stoic Cosmos, Peter G. Speiser
Putting the Puzzle Together Piece by Piece: How Genuine and Authentic Friendships Can Transform Faith, Kayla Ranae Billings
Quantum Cosmology and Speculative Philosophy: Hawking, Hegel, and the God/World Relationship, David James Stewart
Red Wing Seminary Band, Red Wing, Minnesota
Red Wing Seminary building, Red Wing, Minnesota
Red Wing Seminary campus, Red Wing, Minnesota
Red Wing Seminary Choral Union, Red Wing, Minnesota
Red Wing Seminary class of 1898, Red Wing, Minnesota
Reed Hall, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Reframing Mission: An Action-Research Intervention into a Mainline Judicatory, Dwight J. Zscheile
Relational Pastoral Care and Counseling: A Practical Theological Exploration of Relational Spirituality and Grief, Joel A. Jueckstock
Renouncing the Devil, Confessing the Christ the Centrality of Christ's Victory Over the Devil Within the Lutheran Tradition, Erik P. Gravrock
Residence Hall, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Revelation's Visionary Challenge to Ordinary Empire, Craig R. Koester
Rosedale Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sanctification, Ecstasy, and War : the Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology, 1898-1950, Christopher J. Richmann
Sanctification in Adolescence: How Karl Barth’s Two-Fold Critique of the Church Could Influence Youth Ministry Practices Today, Joel Vander Wal
Self-study Report 2004, Luther Seminary
Self-Study Report for continued accreditation with the Association of Theological Schools, Luther Seminary
Self-Study Report for continued accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission, Luther Seminary
Seminarians "Snowballing" at Luther Seminary on Hamline Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1906
Sharing Witness Along the Way: Engaging the Lived Theology of an Urban Congregation in Evangelical, Public, and Missional Strands, Scott J. Hagley
Since Jesus Lived for You : Incarnation in John's Gospel : a Feminist Model of Atonement, Joanna Flaten
Soli Deo Gloria: A Doxological Hermeneutic of Mission in Emerging Ministries in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Daniel R. Anderson
St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
Stump Hall, Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Teaching English as a Ministry of the Church : Diakonia to Our Neighbors in the United States, Emily R. Myallis
Telling the Old, Old Stories: Reconnecting With Jesus' Parables Through Biblical Storytelling, Kathryn L. Skoglund
The Case for Incorporating Evangelism Into Discipleship : Paul's Ministry to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 1:1-4:12), Richard J. Bosshardt
The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948, Medhat S. Yoakiem
“The Death of Jesus and the Human Condition: Exploring the Theology of John’s Gospel.”, Craig R. Koester
The Decline of Denominational Loyalty in a Postmodern Time a Call for Unity, Rebecca Groves
The Defiled Imago Dei and Forgiveness: The Tensions Between Ethnicity and Humanity in the Image of God in the Context of the Ethiopian Churches, Wondimu Legesse Sonessa
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength: How Your Passions Can Serve God's Mission in the World, Jay Grave
The Message to Laodicea and the Problem of Its Local Context., Craig R. Koester
The Millenial Generation Crisis: Reimagining the Church’s Mission in a Secular3 World, Corey J. Lange
The Ministry of Purposeful Missionary Kid Re-Entry Care, Sara Marie Trumm
The Mission of the Church: Its Misconceptions and My Proposal and Claim, Horacio Castillo
Theodicy in the Book of Job, Bernard Chuni Sande
Theological Librarianship: Toward a Profile of a Profession, Andrew J. Keck and Rashelle S. Karp
The Open Where Not to See, Emilie Bouvier
The pastoral practice of Christian hospitality as presence in Muslim-Christian engagement: contextualizing the classroom, Mary E. Hess
The Sanctified Life: Modesty is Not the Best Policy, Ali C. Ferin
The Spiritual Dimension of Aging and Forgiveness, Darlene Faye Olson
The Theology of Fenedata Youth, the Flowers and the Fruits of Today in the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, Rode Shewaye Molla
Towards an African Inculturation Biblical Pneumatology: A Response to the Rise of Neo-Pentecostalism in Tanzanian Christianity, Faith Lugazia
Towards Beloved Community: Racial Reconciliation through Multiracial Missional Churches, Gray Amos Kawamba
Transforming Narratives Through “LIVE”: A Pastoral Model of Care for Women in Sex Work, Nkiruka Okafor Ihm
Translating the Bible into Khmer: Challenges and Opportunities, Kristofer Coffman
Trinity Church, Hills, Minnesota
Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Understanding the Nature and Impact of Alcoholism : Implications for Ministry in Kenya, Margaret Kemunto Obaga
United Church Seminary Chapel, St. Paul, Minnesota
United Church Seminary cornerstone laying, St. Paul, Minnesota
United Church Seminary gymnasium, St. Paul, Minnesota
United Church Seminary, St. Anthony Park neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota
United Church Seminary student body, 1905-1906, St. Paul, Minnesota
United Church Seminary students relaxing outside, ca. 1905, St. Paul, Minnesota
Use of Sacraments In Church Discipline As a Challenge To Missional Transformation In Kenya’s Mainstream Churches: a Case Study of Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church, Peter Matano Mnene
Water and Wilderness in Jeremiah 2-15 : the Semantic Network of Metaphors, Martin Isaac Patrick
Wesleyan Missional Small Groups: Three Crucial Attributes, David Werner
Westwood Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
What difference does it make?: digital technology in the theological classroom, Mary E. Hess
"What Does it Mean to Be Human? Imagery and the Human Condition in John's Gospel.", Craig R. Koester
“Why Was the Messiah Crucified? A Study of God, Jesus, Satan, and Human Agency in Johannine Theology.”, Craig R. Koester
Widowhood Care and Empowerment in 1 Timothy 1:3-16: A Case Study of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Christ as a Paradigm for African Instituted Churches, Millicent Yeboah Asuamah
Youth Homelessness: A Cry for Right Memory and Embrace, Matthew Maas