
Creation Date
In this group photograph, dated June 4th, 1939, Muskego Church provides the backdrop for the attendees at the closing session of the Southern Minnesota District Convention of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. In 1844, Norwegian settlers at the Muskego Settlement in southeastern Wisconsin dedicated one of the first Norwegian American Lutheran church buildings. The building was moved to the United Church Seminary campus in the St. Anthony Park neighborhood of St. Paul in 1904. In 1917, United Church Seminary became Luther Theological Seminary. Front of photograph reads: Closing session, So. Minn. Dist. Conv.-N.L.C.A., Muskego Church, Saint Paul, Minn., June 4th 1939.
Norwegian American Lutheranism, Luther Theological Seminary (1917-1982), Luther Seminary (1994-present), Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, Muskego Church, Churches