Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


This participatory action research project utilizes praxis events to enhance the understanding of Lutheran vocation in relationship to joy bringing activities. The research question driving this project is,

How would a participatory action research (PAR) intervention utilizing praxis events encourage congregational members to recognize and exercise their own gifts and passions as avenues of joyous participation in God’s mission in the world?

Data were collected through baseline and end-line interviews, transcribed meetings of a journey team, and census surveys. Data revealed that participation did yield a positive change effect on the understanding of joy bringing passions to enhance the missional congregational work.

Theoretical lenses of vocation, chaordic leadership, and American pragmatism provided the secular perspective. Luther’s understanding of vocation and the priesthood of all believers, joy, and the narrative of Jesus calling the fishermen disciples provided additional perspectives.
