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Early life: receives commission from American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1979.
China experience: discussion of evangelism, social work, and ecumenism in China; assigned to North China Mission (NCM); NCM's policy of developing indigenous Chinese church and results; organizational structure of NCM; NCM membership requirements; brief biographies of more than 15 Chinese Christian leaders; political attitudes/activities of NCM in response to Japanese and western actions; biographical information of post-war church leaders; Y.T. Wu and the origins of the Three-Self Movement; efforts and individuals involved in establishing post-war plans for enlarging ecumenical church in China; efforts to unify Christian press, early 1940's; brief description of the origins of various evangelical programs; Chinese requirement for missionaries seeking work in China after WWII.
Publication Date
Midwest China Center
Saint Paul
North China Mission (NCM), Japan, Three-Self Movement, WWII, Y.T. Wu
Recommended Citation
Cross, Rowland, "Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection" (1977). China Oral Histories. 22.