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Parents in China: education; called by Scandinavian Alliance Mission to work under the China Inland Mission, 1891; travelling conditions in China; living conditions in Kansu Province; missionaries who died during period of civil unrest and evangelistic work.

Early Life: living conditions in Sian; childhood schooling and language development; the mission station in Fancheng; worship and fellowship; father's work in Fancheng; memories of school in Shanghai; memories of the American School-Kikungshan; makes decision for China; called by Covent Mission, 1930;, to serve as doctor; the role of women missionaries.

Return to China: memories of language school in Peking; research work at Peking Union Medical College; situation upon arrival at the Covenant hospital in Siangyang; experiences delivering babies; physical set-up of the hospital; medical conditions and experiences of the hospital and in Siangyang; laboratory work; and ordinary day at the hospital; impressions of political situation in China before 1937; experiences at the hospital during the Japanese war; obtaining supplies during wartime; effects of the destruction of the Yellow River dikes; conditions at the end of the war; trip out of China, 1945; experiences during visit to China, 1980; things gained from missionary experience; memorable Chinese.

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Midwest China Center


Saint Paul


Scandinavian Alliance Mission, China Inland Mission, Kansu Province, missionaries, Sian, childhood, Fancheng, Shanghai, American School-Kikungshan, Covenant Mission, Peking Unioin Medical College, hospital, Siangyang, Japanese, Yellow River dikes, Chinese

Midwest China Oral History Interviews
