Publications from 2012
Practical Objectivity: Keeping Natural Science Natural, Alan G. Padgett
Categorical Preaching, Steven D. Paulson
Graspable God, Steven D. Paulson
A Screen-Based World: Finding the Real in the Hyper-Real, Andrew Root
Fading From the Family Portrait, Andrew Root
Joining God's Work, Andrew Root
Thinking with Luther About Jesus (aka SweetLips), Gary M. Simpson
Whatever Became of Carl Braaten?: Selective Critical Reflections on Carl Braaten's Because of Christ: Memoirs of a Lutheran Theologian, Gary M. Simpson
A Missional Theology of Spiritual Formation, Dwight J. Zscheile
Dwelling in the Word: Affirming Its Promise, Dwight J. Zscheile
Publications from 2011
Attending to Local and Diverse Communities: Toward a Theological Learning Community for a Missional Era, Patricia Taylor Ellison and Patrick R. Keifert
Happy 300th Birthday to Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Mark A. Granquist
Luther on Translating the Bible, Mary Jane Haemig
The Making of Differences: Theological Discourse on the Unity of the Church, Guillermo C. Hansen
Learning the Bible in the Twenty-first Century: Lessons from Harry Potter and Vampires, Mary E. Hess
Doing What the Bible Does, Karoline M. Lewis
When Up is Down and Down is Up: Preaching Heaven and Hell to the Lost Generation, Karoline M. Lewis and Joanna L. Flaten
Apostolic Insights from II Corinthians, Lois E. Malcolm
The Difference Creation Makes: Relative Timelessness Reconsidered, Alan G. Padgett
Job's Speech About and To God, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
Of Stars and Sea Monsters: Creation Theology in the Whirlwind Speeches, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
For Their Own Good: Moral Slavery 101--The Aristotelian Cantus Firmus, Gary M. Simpson
"Putting on the Neighbor": the Ciceronian Impulse in Luther's Christian Approach to Practical Reason, Gary M. Simpson
Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe: Can It Work for Bibles?, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 2010
A Butterfly Effect: The Impact of Marriage and Family Therapy Training on Students' Spouses, Carla M. Dahl, Mary L. Jensen, and Jane L. McCampbell
Exploding the Myth of the Boat, Mark A. Granquist
Preaching the Seventh Commandment: "You are not to steal", Mary Jane Haemig
From ICT to TCI : Communicative Theology(ies), Pedagogy and Web 2.0, Mary E. Hess
What Difference Does It Make?: E-Learning and Faith Community, Mary E. Hess
"The Lord is a God of Justice" (Isaiah 30:18): The Prophetic Insistence on Justice in Social Context, Rolf A. Jacobson
A Communion That Is Holy: A Gospel Economy, Dirk G. Lange
Experiencing the Spirit: The Magnificat, Luther, and Feminists, Lois E. Malcolm
Forgiveness as New Creation: Christ and the Moral Life Revisited, Lois E. Malcolm
On Forgiveness and Healing: Narrative Therapy and the Gospel Story, Lois E. Malcolm and Janet L. Ramsey
To Possess is Human?: Not in the Economy of Salvation!, Amy E. Marga
Overcoming the Problem of Induction: Science and Religion as Ways of Knowing, Alan Padgett
Overcoming the Problem of Induction: Science and Religion as Ways of Knowing, Alan Padgett
Science and Religion in Western History: Models and Relationships, Alan Padgett
God and Time: Relative Timelessness Reconsidered, Alan G. Padgett
Internal Clarity of Scripture and the Modern World: Luther and Erasmus Revisited, Steven D. Paulson
Identity in a Digital Age, Andrew Root
Overhearing Resonances: Jesus and Ethics in King and Bonhoeffer, Gary M. Simpson
"Written on Their Hearts": Thinking with Luther About Scripture, Natural Law, and the Moral Life, Gary M. Simpson
What Every Christian Should Know About Paul's Letters, Matthew L. Skinner
Social Networking and Church Systems, Dwight J. Zscheile
Publications from 2009
Characteristics of Congregations That Empower Missional Leadership: A Lutheran Voice, Terri L. Elton
American Lutheranism Fifty Years Ago--And Today, Mark A. Granquist
Religion and Immigration, Old and New, Mark A. Granquist
Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung den dreieinigen Gott bekennen -- eine lutherische Stimme, Guillermo C. Hansen
Resistance, Adaptation or Challenge: The Versatility of the Lutheran Code, Guillermo C. Hansen
Tolerance, Democracy and Fundamentalism(s) : Challenges in Time of Systemic Bifurcations, Guillermo C. Hansen
A Rose by Any Other Name: Iconography and the Interpretation of Isaiah 28:1-6, Rolf A. Jacobson
Psalm 2, Psalm 8, Psalm 17, Psalm 23, Psalm 90, and Psalm 100., Rolf A. Jacobson
Revelation's Visionary Challenge to Ordinary Empire, Craig R. Koester
Confessions, Ecumenism, Ethnicity: A Lutheran Charism, Dirk G. Lange
Jesus and the Trinity, Lois E. Malcolm
The Dialectic of Idolatry and Profanation: On Discerning the Spirit in Congregational Studies, Lois E. Malcolm
Does Heisenberg Uncertainty Apply to God?: A Reliable Model of Divine Foreknowledge, Alan G. Padgett
The Trinity in Theology and Philosophy: Why Jerusalem Should Work with Athens, Alan G. Padgett
God, Civil Society, and Congregations as Public Moral Companions, Gary M. Simpson
Retrieving Martin Luther's Critical Public Theology of Political Authority for Global Civil Society Today, Gary M. Simpson
"You Shall Bear Witness to Me": Thinking with Luther About Christ and the Scriptures, Gary M. Simpson
Reading the Bible After Darwin, Mark A. Throntveit and Alan G. Padgett
Publications from 2008
Leading in the Midst of Change: A Theologically Grounded, Theoretically Informed Hermeneutic of Change, Terri L. Elton
Envious Enemies of the Cross of Christ (Philippians 3:18), David E. Fredrickson
For All What Saints? Preaching All Saints Day, Mark A. Granquist
Preaching in Lutheran Pulpits in the Age of Confessionalization, Mary Jane Haemig and Robert Kolb
Blessing, Well-Being, and Salvation: Should Lutherans Learn to Dance to Another Tune?, Guillermo C. Hansen
"How Do We Meet Students Where They Are, While Challenging Them Further?" : Teaching Developmentally., Mary E. Hess
Listening and Learning to Teach in Theological Contexts: An Appreciative Inquiry Model, Mary E. Hess
Resisting the Human Need for Enemies, or What Would Harry Potter Do?, Mary E. Hess
Animal Speech as Revelation in Genesis 3 and Numbers 22, Cameron B. R. Howard
Is the Automobile Essential to Freedom?: Yes!, Rolf A. Jacobson
“The Altar of Certitude”: Reflections on “Setting” and Rhetorical Interpretation of the Psalms, Rolf A. Jacobson
"The Altar of Certitude": Reflections on "Setting" and Rhetorical Interpretations of the Psalms, Rolf A. Jacobson
What Every Christian Should Know About Amos and Hosea, Rolf A. Jacobson
"Jesus' Resurrection, the Signs, and the Dynamics of Faith in the Gospel of John.", Craig R. Koester
Roman slave trade and the critique of Babylon in Revelation 18, Craig R. Koester
The Crucifixion and the Will of God According to John, Craig R. Koester
"Shepherd My Sheep": Preaching for the Sake of Greater Works Than These, Karoline M. Lewis
The Ethics of Driving, Amy E. Marga
My Sinful Self: The Self as Enemy, Steven D. Paulson
Two Kinds of Authority: Law and Gospel, Steven D. Paulson
PowerPoint in Preaching? Yes...But!, Andrew Root
"Changing the Face of the Enemy": Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Beloved Community, Gary M. Simpson
A More True ‘Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’: Toward a Missional Polity for the Episcopal Church., Dwight J. Zscheile
Publications from 2007
Corps of Discovery: A Twenty-First-Century Contextual Missiology for the Denominational Church in the United States, Terri L. Elton
Tolerance and Democracy instead of Fundamentalism and Empire, Guillermo C. Hansen
Tolerance and Democracy instead of Fundamentalism and Empire, Guillermo C. Hansen
Go and Make Learners!: Supporting Transformation in Education and Evangelism, Mary E. Hess
How Can I Keep From Laughing?, Rolf A. Jacobson
The One Who Will Be Born: Preaching Isaiah's Promises in a Harry Potter Culture, Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl Jacobson
“Why Was the Messiah Crucified? A Study of God, Jesus, Satan, and Human Agency in Johannine Theology.”, Craig R. Koester
Worship at the Edges: Redefining Evangelism, Dirk G. Lange
Jesus Christ and the Modern Sinner: Karl Barth's Retrieval of Luther's Substantive Christology, Amy E. Marga
"Walk in the Spirit": Preaching for Spiritual Growth (Gal. 5:13-6:2), Alan G. Padgett
The Wisdom of Forgiveness: Singing Like Birds in the Cage with Old King Lear, Janet L. Ramsey and Alan G. Padgett
"And Also Many Animals": Biblical Resources for Preaching About Creation, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
A Reformation Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: A Promising Theology for an Emerging Missional Church, Gary M. Simpson
Ecclesial Communion, God's Publicity and Global Citizenship, Gary M. Simpson