Publications from 1998
Freedom and Truth in Veritatis Splendor and the Meaning of Theonomy, Lois E. Malcolm
No Trinity, No Mission: The Apostolic Difference of Revisioning the Trinity, Gary M. Simpson
Publications from 1997
Eucharistic Symbolism in the Gospel of John, David E. Fredrickson
The Congregation: Critical Location for Faith and the Other, Patrick R. Keifert
Promise and Warning: The Lord's Supper in 1 Corinthians, Craig R. Koester
Advice for Religious Historians: On the Myth of a Purely Historical Jesus, Alan G. Padgett
The Chronicler's Speeches and Historical Reconstruction, Mark A. Throntveit
The Idealization of Solomon as the Glorification of God in the Chronicler's Royal Speeches and Royal Prayers, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 1996
No Noose is Good News: Leadership as a Theological Problem in the Corinthian Correspondence, David E. Fredrickson
Parrēsia in the Pauline Epistles., David E. Fredrickson
Theological Librarianship: Toward a Profile of a Profession, Andrew J. Keck and Rashelle S. Karp
The Spectrum of Johannine Readers, Craig R. Koester
The NRSV: All Things to All People, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 1995
On the Verge of the Millennium: A History of the Interpretation of Revelation, Craig R. Koester
Topography and Theology in the Gospel of John, Craig R. Koester
Civil Society and Congregations as Public Moral Companions, Gary M. Simpson
Publications from 1994
Preaching from the Book of Genesis, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 1993
The Bible, Congregational Leaders, and Moral Conversation, Patrick R. Keifert
Publications from 1992
Free Speech in Pauline Political Theology, David E. Fredrickson
The Distant Triumph Song: Music and the Book of Revelation, Craig R. Koester
The Church Growth Movement: A Wesleyan Critique, Alan G. Padgett
For the Renewal of Repentence: The Lukan Texts in Lent, Gary M. Simpson
Theologia Crucis and the Forensically Fraught World: Engaging Helmut Peukert and Jürgen Habermas, Gary M. Simpson
Publications from 1991
Pentecost: Paul the Pastor in 2 Corinthians, David E. Fredrickson
Resurrection and the New Age, Patrick R. Keifert
The Passion and Resurrection According to John, Craig R. Koester
Publications from 1990
Messianic exegesis and the call of Nathanael (John 1:45-51), Craig R. Koester
The Fourth Gospel in a Three-Year Lectionary, Craig R. Koester
'The savior of the world' (John 4:42), Craig R. Koester
Publications from 1989
Faith Alone: Lutheran-Roman Catholic Convergence?, Patrick R. Keifert
Guess Who's Coming to Worship? Worship and Evangelism, Patrick R. Keifert
Hearing, seeing, and believing in the Gospel of John, Craig R. Koester
Opportunity to Do Good: The Letter to the Galatians, Craig R. Koester
The origin and significance of the flight to Pella tradition, Craig R. Koester
"Minor" Prophets in the Midst of Pentecost, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 1988
A Markan Epiphany: Lessons from Mark 1, Donald Juel and Patrick R. Keifert
Publications from 1987
An Ecumenical Horizon for "Canon Within a Canon"?, Patrick R. Keifert
A Public Ministry by All the Baptized?, Patrick R. Keifert
Ministry, Management, and the Ecumenical Movement, Gary M. Simpson
The Parish as a Confessing Community, Gary M. Simpson
Publications from 1986
Modern Dogma and Liturgical Renewal, Patrick R. Keifert
Are the Events in the Genesis Creation Account Set Forth in Chronological Order?: No, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 1985
Labor Room or Morgue: The Power and Limits of Pluralism and Christology, Patrick R. Keifert
The Gospel and Feminism: A Proposal for Lutheran Dogmatics, Lois E. Malcolm
Publications from 1981
Mind Reader and Maestro: Models for Understanding Biblical Interpreters, Patrick R. Keifert