Publications from 2025
“The Centrality of ‘Life’ for Johannine Ethics”, Craig R. Koester
Publications from 2023
Martin Luther on Praying the Psalms, Mary Jane Haemig
Publications from 2021
Signs and Christology in John 6:1-21 in Light of Jewish and Greco-Roman Frames of Reference: Prophet, King, and Revealer of God, Craig R. Koester
Publications from 2020
Luther Seminary, Church Music, and Hymnody, Paul Westermeyer
Publications from 2019
Publications from 2018
Stewardship 101: An Invitation to Financial Stewardship, Adam J. Copeland
Encountering the Gospel Anew: Confirmation as Ecclesial, Personal, and Missional Practices, Terri L. Elton
Emerging Trends in Confirmation and Equivalent Practices, Terri L. Elton, Katherine Douglass, and Richard Osmer
Confirmation Basics, Terri L. Elton, Lisa Kimball, and Gordon Mikoski
Pursuing racial justice in the US: What religious educators need to learn from the BlackLivesMatter movement, Mary E. Hess
Jesus the Rabbi and Teacher in John's Gospel: The Gift of Divine Instruction, Craig R. Koester
Looking High and Low for Salvation in Luke, Matthew L. Skinner
Remember My Chains: New Testament Perspectives on Incarceration, Matthew L. Skinner
Publications from 2017
Sing a New Song to the City: Ambient Rhetoric and Urban Hymns, Adam J. Copeland
Luther Seminary: It Takes a Village, Adam J. Copeland and Jason Misselt
The Neighbor, Mark A. Granquist
Exploring the Epistemological Challenges Underlying Civic Engagement by Religious Communities, Mary E. Hess
Genre, Theology, and the God of the Psalms, Rolf A. Jacobson
The Old Testament and the Neighbor, Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl Jacobson
Babylon and New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation: Imagery and Ethical Discernment., Craig R. Koester
The image of the beast from the land (Rev 13, 11-18): A study in incongruity, Craig R. Koester
The Image of the Beast from the Land (Rev 13, 11-18): A Study in Incongruity., Craig R. Koester
The wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11): Reading the Text in the Cultural Context of Ephesus, Craig R. Koester
Miracles as Evidence for the Existence of God, Alan G. Padgett
Life Without a Preacher: Darwin's Origins of Species, Steven D. Paulson
Faith Formation in a Secular Age, Andrew Root
Who Speaks For (or Against) Rome? Acts in Relation to Empire, Matthew L. Skinner
A Participatory God for a Participatory Culture: Christian Theological Perspectives on Networks, Dwight J. Zscheile
Who Is My Neighbor? The Church's Vocation in an Era of Shifting Community, Dwight J. Zscheile
Publications from 2016
Crowdfunding for Congregations and Faith-related Non-profits, Adam J. Copeland
God’s Uses of the Law and the Effort to Establish a Constitutional Right to the Means to Live, Marie A. Failinger and Patrick R. Keifert
Lutherans in North America, Mark A. Granquist
Planning for 2017: Reformation Resources for Your Library, Mark A. Granquist
The ELCA by the Numbers, Mark A. Granquist
The "Janus" Issue, Mark A. Granquist
An Image of Luther for Today: The Catechetical Luther, Mary Jane Haemig
White Religious Educators Resisting White Fragility: Lessons From Mystics, Mary E. Hess
Preaching Texts of Multiple Masculinities to a World of Multiple Masculinities, Cameron B. R. Howard
Oppression Interrupted: The Sabbath and Justice, Rolf A. Jacobson
The Interplay of Word and World: Biblical and Experiential Reflections, Craig R. Koester
The Number of the Beast in Revelation 13 in Light of Papyri, Graffiti, and Inscriptions, Craig R. Koester
Embracing Stewardship: How to Put Stewardship at the Heart of Your Congregation’s Life, Charles R. Lane and Grace Duddy Pomroy
Calling Upon the Name of God: Father as Metaphor, Dirk G. Lange
Five Hundred Years of Reformation: A Joint Commemoration, Dirk G. Lange
Preaching John 8:31-36: Reforming Contexts Then and Now, Karoline M. Lewis
Calling Upon the Name of God: Father as Personal Name, Steven D. Paulson
Preaching as Foolishness, Steven D. Paulson
Sabbath and Creation, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
Twentieth-century Profile: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Gary M. Simpson
A Tribute to Frederick J. Gaiser: Upon His Retirement as Editor of Word & World, Mark A. Throntveit
Publications from 2015
Christian Youth Ministries and Youth Sports: A View from the Trenches, Mark A. Granquist
Practical Advice on Prayer from Martin Luther, Mary Jane Haemig
Learning With Digital Technologies: Privileging Persons Over Machines, Mary E. Hess
When Esther and Jezebel Write: A Feminist Biblical Theology of Authority., Cameron B. R. Howard
Preaching the Psalter's Words of Praise, Prayer, and Trust, Rolf A. Jacobson
Sports Fandom: Worthless Idol and Wonderful Thing, Rolf A. Jacobson
Gebed en die Vorming Van Christelike Identiteit in Openbaring, Craig R. Koester
Youth and the Posthuman: Personhood, Transcendence, and Siri, Erik Leafblad and Andrew Root
A True Word?: Scripture, Authority, and the Question of Truth, Alan G. Padgett
Stop Worrying About the Millennials*: *And Learn to Love Them Instead, Andrew Root
Praying the Psalms, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
Publications from 2014
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Nurturing Christian Identity in a Consumer Culture, Terri L. Elton
2 Corinthians, David E. Fredrickson
Does the Bible Have a Big Story? Well, Only If We Don't Know the End!, David E. Fredrickson
From the Other Side: Funeral Directors Talk about the Changing Face of Funerals, Mark A. Granquist
Religion and Ethnicity in the United States, Mark A. Granquist
Money, Religion, and Tyranny: God and the Demonic in Luther's Antifragile Theology, Guillermo C. Hansen
We Are Our Stories: Narrative Dimension of Human Identity and its Implications for Christian Faith Formation, Rolf A. Jacobson
The antichrist theme in the Johannine Epistles and its role in Christian tradition, Craig R. Koester
"Were You There?" (John 18-19): Telling the Story of Jesus' Trial--And Ours, Craig R. Koester
Does the Bible Have a Big Story? Yes, for the Sake of Mission!, Alan G. Padgett
Luther's Dangerous Account of Divine Hiddenness, Steven D. Paulson
What Kind of Confession is the Augsburg Confession?: "I Shall Speak of Your Decrees Before Kings, and Shall Not be Put to Shame" (Psalm 119:46), Steven D. Paulson
The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus and the ELCA in Dispute: A Time for Humble Listening, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
Publications from 2013
Joseph and Jehoiachin: On the Edge of Exodus, Michael J. Chan
Jesus' Prophetic Reach: Drawing Children to the Center of Congregational Life, Tim Coltvet
The Really, Really Empty Nest: Single Parents Launching Only Children, Carla M. Dahl and Katie Dahl
The Urge to Merge, Mark A. Granquist
Loving the questions: finding food for the future of theological education in the Lexington Seminar, Mary E. Hess
The pastoral practice of Christian hospitality as presence in Muslim-Christian engagement: contextualizing the classroom, Mary E. Hess
Digital Storytelling: Empowering Feminist and Womanist Faith Formation with Young Women, Mary E. Hess
Exodus and the Authority of the Written Word, Cameron B. R. Howard
Moses, the Golden Calf, and False Images of the True God, Rolf A. Jacobson
Rethinking the ethics of John: a review article, Craig R. Koester
Theological Complexity and the Characterization of Nicodemus in the Gospel of John, Craig R. Koester
Theological Complexity and the Characterization of Nicodemus in the Gospel of John, Craig R. Koester
Religious Studies and Theology, Alan G. Padgett
Job as Prototype of Dying and Rising Israel, Kathryn M. Schifferdecker
Fruit of the Spirit, Gary M. Simpson
The Word of God and the Church: On the Theological Implications of Three Summary Statements in the Acts of the Apostles, Matthew L. Skinner
Things We Never Preach About, Part IV: The Dark Side of Abraham and Sarah, Mark A. Throntveit
From Establishment to Innovation: Rethinking Structure in a New Apostolic Age, Dwight J. Zscheile
Publications from 2012
The Ten Commandments 2.0, Adam J. Copeland
The Ecology of Vocation, Terri L. Elton
A Slow Disaster and a Proposal for Reform, Mark A. Granquist
Life on Screen and Other Musings on Faith, Food, & Media, Mary E. Hess
The Narrative Lectionary, Rolf A. Jacobson
"Everyone Who Hears Will Laugh With Me": Humor and Telling God's Truth, Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl Jacobson
Things We Never Preach About, Part I: Gluttony, Dirk G. Lange
God and Miracle in an Age of Science, Alan G. Padgett