Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

First Advisor

Mark Granquist


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of the Lutheran doctrine of the ministry in the ministry and growth of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. In line with this purpose, it analyzed the historical, sociopolitical, cultural, religious, and economic context of Ethiopia in the nineteenth and twentieth century at the time of arrival of pioneer Lutheran missions from Europe and later on joined by the American Lutheran mission. In order to present the understanding of Lutheran doctrine of the ministry in Ethiopian context, the historical development of the Lutheran doctrine of the ministry, the ministry in the Lutheran Confessional writings, the ministry in Lutheran Orthodoxy and Pietism was used as a guiding rod. The doctrine of the ministry is the key or main thread that carries all of the chapters. The contributions of the Lutheran missions and the understanding of the ministry in the EECMY was a foundation for practice and call to the office of the pastoral ministry. The EECMY is the fast-growing Lutheran church but facing acute shortage of trained pastors and thus call to the office of the pastoral ministry with special focus on women ordination was given due attention. Finally, this thesis surveyed ministries contribute to the growth of the EECMY.

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