Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

First Advisor

Karoline Lewis


Biblical preaching is the key to church growth and health. Research shows that people are choosing not to worship because of mediocre messages from the pulpit. Yet, people are hungry for what God has to say about their life and context. The pastor-preacher must take the preaching task very seriously, devoting time and energy to the endeavor and seeking to continually improve their craft. The problem is that most pastors do not develop effective habits for homiletical self-assessment. This researcher will offer strategies and tools for faithful preaching and ideas for becoming a more reflective preacher. There are acquired skills that pastor-preachers need to pay attention to in order to make preaching more vital for hearers. Developing effective habits for homiletical self-assessment is key to enhancing how listeners hear the claims in scripture and increase their desire and ability to live out their lives of discipleship.
