Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
First Advisor
Richard Rehfeldt
Streamed worship has been happening in the Lutheran Church of Australia since 2013. Who is it reaching? Where is it reaching? Is it connecting them to community and the church? Is the preaching reaching the people who gather outside of the physical church buildings? Is there anything we can do to improve the reach, the connection and the sense of belonging to the wider church even when living remotely or kept away from regular worship by illness, disability or work commitments? This exploratory case study seeks to find these answers and more and then to offer ways forward for the building up of the church through streamed worship.
Recommended Citation
Stringer, Timothy Paul, "Reaching the Diaspora: Streamed Worship and Preaching in the Lutheran Church of Australia, Cultivating Koinonia and Ecclesia" (2020). Doctor of Ministry Theses. 60.
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Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons