Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
This thesis presents the case for the development of a sustainable community practice of midrashic biblical imagination as a catalyst for transformative engagement with the Bible in progressive Christian congregations. Notes that a midrashic imagination applied to the polyvalent testimonies of the biblical canon is an apt partner for post- modern, progressive congregations, whose theology embraces diversity, plurality, and critique of hegemonic structures. Uses a longitudinal qualitative methodology, with Appreciative Inquiry, to trace the various methods used for cultivating curiosity among Scriptural skeptics over nine years, concluding with the Midrashic Imagination Project, which involves the community in study, worship, preaching and discipleship.
Recommended Citation
Jones, Elisabeth R., "(Re)Discovering a Midrashic Biblical Imagination for the Progressive-Liberal Community" (2018). Doctor of Ministry Theses. 32.