Content Posted in 2021
Bringing the Kingdom: Religious Women's Engagement in Social Reform in Minnesota From 1880 to 1920, Jennifer Anne Hornyak Wojciechwoski
Contextual Leadership Within Chin Immigrant Churches in the United States, Bawi Bik Thawng
Defying Expectations: One Female Preacher's Exploration of Preaching Performance, Listener Expectations, and Emotion, Amy Lea Wiles
God and Miracle in an Age of Science, Alan G. Padgett
Hospitality in the House of God: Deconstructing Habit and Building Missio Dei, Julia A. Carlson
Joseph and Jehoiachin: On the Edge of Exodus, Michael J. Chan
Listening to Millennials: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Millennials and the Church, Charles R. Thompson
Luther Seminary, Church Music, and Hymnody, Paul Westermeyer
Miracles as Evidence for the Existence of God, Alan G. Padgett
Power Perfected in Weakness: The Effectiveness of Spiritual Practices on Personal Power in the Lives of Men, Steven B. Cauley
Public Church Framework as Process for Antiracism: Integrating Racial Identity Development Models and Theological Commitments, Amanda Vetsch
Religious Studies and Theology, Alan G. Padgett
Risen With Healing in Her Wings: An Ecclesiological Ethnography of Three Young Congregations in St. Paul, Minnesota, Catrina Louise Ciccone
Seeking the Wellspring: Exploring Generosity in a Financial Drought, Laurie Ann Johnson
Signs and Christology in John 6:1-21 in Light of Jewish and Greco-Roman Frames of Reference: Prophet, King, and Revealer of God, Craig R. Koester
The Episcopal Church of Liberia Gravitating Towards Financial Independence: Strategies and the Way Forward, Slewion P. Lewis
Vocation of the ELCA: Dismantling White Supremacy, Amanda Vetsch
When God Attacks: Using Mythology and Lament to Understand Exodus 4:24-26, Julia Olson