Content Posted in 2019
2 Corinthians, David E. Fredrickson
Communication, Consolation and Discipline: Two Early Lutheran Preachers on Confession, Mary Jane Haemig
Corps of Discovery: A Twenty-First-Century Contextual Missiology for the Denominational Church in the United States, Terri L. Elton
Definitively Lutheran?: An Exploration of Definitive Lutheran Characteristics in Higher Education, John Eggen
El Uso Político de la Cruz: Poder y Contra-poder en la 'Theologia Crucis' de Lutero, Guillermo C. Hansen
Faith Formation for Families in a Post-Programmatic Era, Susan Megrund
God’s Beautiful Mission: Missional Church and Leadership in the Light of Theological Aesthetics, M. Scott Boren
Lutheran Higher Education in a Secular Age: Religious Identity and Mission at ELCA Colleges and Universities, Brian A.F. Beckstrom
Parrēsia in the Pauline Epistles., David E. Fredrickson
Perichoretic Worship: Cultivating Relationships with the Triune God, with One Another, and with the World, Greg G. Busboom
Preaching in Lutheran Pulpits in the Age of Confessionalization, Mary Jane Haemig and Robert Kolb
The Confessional Basis of Lutheran Thinking on Church-State Issues, Mary Jane Haemig
Tolerance and Democracy instead of Fundamentalism and Empire, Guillermo C. Hansen
Tolerance, Democracy and Fundamentalism(s) : Challenges in Time of Systemic Bifurcations, Guillermo C. Hansen