Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

First Advisor

Richard Rehfeldt


This thesis begins by acknowledging that The Salvation Army is a non-practicing sacramental church. The Army abandoned the practice of the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper officially in 1883 and its focus since then has been on developing holiness through sacramental living. The sacraments have been a topic of theological conversation in Army since the 1883 decision. In recent years, in Canada, this conversation has become increasingly divisive with questions being raised as to the soundness of the Army’s position. To bring opposing positions into a place of dialogue this thesis project engages in a five part biblical preaching series on sacramental living. Quantifiable surveys were administered before and after the series to determine if this biblical preaching series impacted the worshipping congregation. A further goal is that both practicing and non-practicing sacramentalists will view sacramental living as “seeing salvation.” It is from this foundation that productive dialogue between the differing perspectives can take place.
